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Weapons Against Heart Disease

Heart disease and stroke are the number one murderers of our nation. As we become more sedentary and more obese , heart disease occurs in more severe forms and younger ages . But there are ways to prevent heart disease , if you understand the associated health problems and how to control them . Some of the contributors to heart disease and how to reduce your risk by managing your life.

High cholesterol

Cholesterol comes in two forms . LD ( low density lipoprotein ) is what is known as " bad cholesterol." When too much LD cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can build up on the inner walls of the arteries where plaque forms , which hardens and narrows the arteries . This condition is called atherosclerosis. Narrow arteries , it is easier for a clot to form and cause a block, and also limit the bloodstream. Approximation is the process that converts cholesterol into plaque disk that sticks to artery walls.

Cholesterol (HDL or high density lipoprotein ) is what we call " good" cholesterol. HDL transports cholesterol from heart disease and is deposited in the liver so that the body can move . We need this high cholesterol because it protects us. If your HDL is too low, the LD cholesterol is in control.

It is important to understand your cholesterol levels and do your best to improve if they are not where they should be . Dietary cholesterol comes from animals and animal products. Eating a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol , avoid things like butter, egg yolks and red meat can help reduce LD levels considerably . When you eat fat , a genre that raises the level of HDL , including olive oil , canola oil and nuts in your diet .

Cholesterol level is also affected by its legacy . Some families have a higher cholesterol than others , regardless of how they look in their diet. If you fall into this category , you may need medication in addition to getting a healthy cholesterol diet online .


The second important component in heart disease is high blood pressure . High blood pressure has no symptoms, but can lead to kidney heart disease , stroke and failure if not managed .

Puts pressure on his bat blood against the walls of the veins and arteries. This weakens the walls of the arteries and causes stress on the heart . The pressure can also cause small nicks in the arterial walls. Your body tries to repair these nicks creating small blood clots. However, if these clots become too large or break off and get stuck in an artery (especially the already reduced by the Board) , which can cause a heart attack or stroke . This is why keeping your blood pressure under control reduced the risk of heart disease . Check your blood pressure regularly to determine if you are at risk . A healthy blood pressure is that which is around 120/80 .

The Big Five

To get your lifestyle under the control and management of their blood pressure and cholesterol so that you can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke , there are four things you need to do.


Exercise is essential for preventing heart disease. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least three times a week . Regular exercise reduces cholesterol and blood pressure naturally, and can help keep your weight under control.

eat well

Reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet. Instead , focus on eating fruits , vegetables , whole grains and lean proteins like fish and chicken. If you are overweight , get to a healthy weight for your height . A heart -healthy diet will help you lose unwanted kilos also . Avoid processed ingredients like enriched flour and syrup, foods high in fructose corn syrup .

Do not smoke

Smoking increases the risk of hypertension , heart disease , stroke and cancer.

Get antioxidants

In recent years, we have come to realize how powerful antioxidants found in the fight against the disease. Antioxidants fight free radicals that our body makes every day we process our food. Without antioxidants to fight free radicals damage cells and DNA of our body. This leads to disease and premature aging .

If you eat a healthy diet for the heart, you probably already found a good amount of antioxidants and from fruits and vegetables are very good sources. However, there are some antioxidant powers really should add to your diet . Make sure you get :

The best fruits and vegetables - artichokes , blueberries , red beans , pomegranates and tomatoes are sources of antioxidants. If you do not eat regularly, add them to your diet.

Green Tea - Research has shown that the flavored in green tea , EGcG , in particular, are some of the most potent of all antioxidants . There have been many studies that have green tea associated with reduced risk of heart disease . In particular, a study published in the Tea Council of the United Kingdom has shown green tea has a positive effect on many aspects of heart disease.

This study showed that green tea helped lower cholesterol, has anti properties - protected inflammatory arteries blood vessels and protects against the formation of blood clots. This information is powerful when you consider how easy it is to add green tea to your diet.

So arm yourself with the weapons to fight heart disease before it's too late. Heart disease can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle - so make sure you are ready to seriously avoid this murderer .
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