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Looking for the best recipes for lowering high cholesterol ? Are you watching closely what you eat , your eating habits, the amount of food , and perhaps your calorie intake ? Then you need to watch over this precious resource to return to good health.

First, you have to train . But make sure to exercise moderately . Do not force yourself too much because excessive movement could highlight . Second, choose the right kind of food. You must have a very low fat diet. Avoid fatty foods . If you exercise eat a diet low in fat and bad cholesterol ( LD) is definitely running when your good cholesterol (HD) will increase.

In the basic food group , there are two sources of cholesterol . One is the type of food from animals that includes foods such as cheese , butter , cream , milk and eggs. The second comes from foods that are high in saturated fats, which includes food rich in oil content , especially fried foods. This is known as trans fats , which are used in processed foods , also known as hydrogenated oil . This increases your bad cholesterol while lowering your good cholesterol in the body.

So here are the recipes for lowering high cholesterol :

First, you need to eat whole grains. These are important sources of soluble fiber , which helps your body to absorb the bad cholesterol from your blood. What you can do is simply replace your bread made from white flour with whole wheat bread or whole grain bread .

Second, eat oats for breakfast . Oats, oatmeal or oat bran cereals are in soluble fiber which helps reduce bad cholesterol rich . In addition to eating healthily and eliminate the bad cholesterol, it will help you have regular bowel movements will .

Third , choose fruit for snacks between meals or instead of junk foods with processed sugar . This is a good choice instead of eating sugary and high fat snacks. Fruits that are good sources of soluble fiber, those who are rich in vitamin C. It also contains raisins, berries and currants. Do not exaggerate because too much fruit fruit also contains sugar and insulin effects in the body , which increases cholesterol in the end, are also published.

Fourth, eat nuts . Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids , which help lower cholesterol. It contains walnuts, almonds , pecans , peanuts, pistachios and pine nuts. But do not eat nuts because they have a lot of calories. Based on the FDA , is a handful of nuts a day is enough to reduce high cholesterol levels in the body. It could also increase the risk of heart disease.

Fifth, another source of polyunsaturated food in the extra virgin olive oil . Only the guy who says "first cold pressing. " Olive oil helps to increase your HD or good cholesterol. Include a little extra virgin olive oil in your recipes lowers cholesterol .

Sixth, we need lots and lots of green leafy vegetables to eat. Vegetables are rich in low-fat protein . Spinach , kale and broccoli are excellent. Eat as much of it as possible. You can also garlic , avocados, legumes or beans. Guests can enjoy a delicious meal is a combination of several of these ingredients.

Finally, the fish , especially mackerel, halibut, herring , sardines, trout and fresh salmon and tuna are eating great food in your reduces cholesterol content revenues. These foods are rich in omega - 3 fatty acids that will improve your LD : HD cholesterol . They also help prevent high blood pressure and the risk of blood clots in the body. The recommended intake should be 2-3 servings of fish per week . Other sources of omega -3 in flaxseed , canola oil and linseed oil .
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